Caroline Lowcher
Postdoctoral Scholar
Office: Room No. 328
850 NC 345, Wanchese, NC 27981
Email: lowcherc23@ecu.edu
Phone: 252-475-5430
Caroline was born and raised on the OBX and started her career in oceanography when she was in high school interning at the CSI. Her current research activities and higher education theses have centered on marine energy and physical oceanography with an emphasis in observational oceanography. She enjoys surfing, playing volleyball, biking, hiking, and exploring the outdoors. She particularly likes surf trips to warm tropical areas.
PhD Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, 2023
BS Applied Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015
BA Interdisciplinary Studies in Oceanography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015
Research Interests
Physical oceanography, coastal ocean dynamics, upwelling and regional circulation, marine renewable energy, oceanographic observations, boundary currents, water mass variability
Lankhorst, M., Frazão, H., Lowcher, C., and U. Send. Mooring-Based Observations of the California Current, Undercurrent, and Upwelling Regimes off Southern California. Ocean Observing in California Meeting – SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, and CalCOFI, poster presentation; 2024 May 14; San Diego, CA, USA.
Lowcher, C., Muglia, M., and P. Taylor. Coastal Oceanographic Observations off of North Carolina. IEEE’s Currents, Waves, and Turbulence Measurement Meeting, oral presentation; 2024 March 19; Wanchese, NC, USA.
Lowcher, C., Muglia, M., Seim, H., Al-Attabi, Z., Taylor, P, Bane, J., Jeong Y. HF Radar Observations of Gulf Stream Characteristics off of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024, poster presentation; 2024 February 19; New Orleans, LA, United States of America.
Lowcher, C. Upwelling and Circulation in the Southern California Current System. Dissertation presentation, oral presentation; 2023 April; La Jolla, CA, United States.
Lowcher, C., Lankhorst, M., Send, U., and M. Ohman, 2021. Seawater temperature, salinity, and oxygen observed from CCE1 and CCE2 moorings in the southern California Current from 2014-2021. OceanSITES. Dataset.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2021. Water temperature, salinity, and other parameters collected by CTD from research vessel Sikuliaq, cruise SKQ201606S, in the north Pacific Ocean off California from 2016-05-16 to 2016-05-17 (NCEI Accession 0233567). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/1b9s-q536.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2021. Water temperature, salinity, and other parameters collected by CTD from NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker, cruise RL-20-02, in the north Pacific Ocean off California from 2020-09-07 to 2020-09-10 (NCEI Accession 0231663). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/2ncy-c770.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., U. Send, 2021. Water temperature, salinity, and other parameters collected by CTD from research vessel Sikuliaq, cruise SKQ201912S, in the north Pacific Ocean off California from 2019-05-06 to 2019-05-12 (NCEI Accession 0232037). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/yhj5-yy74.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., U. Send, 2021. Water temperature, salinity, and other parameters collected by CTD from research vessel Oceanus in the north Pacific Ocean off California from 2015-11-17 to 2015-11-20 (NCEI Accession 0234440). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/fb7p-pd85.
Lowcher, C., Send., U., and M. Lankhorst, 2020. Anomalous Coastal Poleward Flow in Southern California and Regional Impacts on the 2014 Marine Heatwave and 2015-16 El Niño, Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Lowcher, C., Lankhorst, M., and U. Send, 2020. Seawater temperature and salinity observed from CORC3 and CORC4 moorings in the southern California Current (NE Pacific) from 2012 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0163206). Version 1.1. NOAA NCEI. Dataset.
Send, U., Lowcher, C., Sevadjian, J., Barton, A., Sosik, H., Lucas, D., Kempster, R., and A.
Feit, 2020. Evolution of Conditions Prior to and During the SoCal 2020 HAB Development, oral presentation, Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, virtual.
Lowcher, C., Send., U., and M. Lankhorst, 2019. The Overturning Upwelling and High- Frequency Event Characteristics in Southern California, ICTP-CLIVAR Summer School on Ocean Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, Trieste, Italy.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2019. Water temperature, salinity, and other data collected by CTD and water samples from the research vessel Sikuliaq, cruise SKQ201806S, in the northeastern Pacific off California 2018-03-13 2018-03-16 (NCEI Accession 0184854). Version 1.1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/8rpz-nx82.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2019. CTD Data from Research Vessel Sally Ride, cruises SR1706 and SR1707, offshore California 05-11 March 2017 (NCEI Accession 0187860). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/8q0a-xx91.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2019. CTD Data from Research Vessel Bell M. Shimada, cruise SH-18-13, off California during 12-16 November 2018 (NCEI Accession 0187862). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.25921/bkgs-7a08.
Lowcher, C., Send, U., and M. Lankhorst, 2018. Coastal Circulation in the Southern California Current System: A Multi-Platform Approach, poster presentation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2018. Water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen profiles, and other data from CTD taken from the research vessel Bell M. Shimada, cruise SH-17-10, in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from 2017-11-01 to 2017-11-07 (NCEI Accession 0182942). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2017. CTD Data from NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker in the NE Pacific, 06-12 2016-10 (NCEI Accession 0157761). Version 1.1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.7289/V5DB7ZW5.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2017. CTD Data from Research Vessel New Horizon in the NE Pacific, 24 April – 01 May 2014 (NCEI Accession 0157699). Version 1.1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.7289/V5J38QMW.
Lankhorst, M., Lowcher, C., and U. Send, 2017. CTD Data from NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker in the NE Pacific, 06-12 2016-10 (NCEI Accession 0157761). Version 1.1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. doi:10.7289/V5DB7ZW5.
Lowcher, C., Muglia, M., Bane, J., He, R., Gong, Y., and S. Haines, 2017. Marine hydrokinetic energy in the Gulf Stream off North Carolina: An Assessment using observations and ocean circulation models, book chapter in Marine Renewable Energy – Resource Characterization and System Effects.
Bane, J., He, R., Muglia, M., Lowcher, C., Gong, Y., and S. Haines, 2017. Marine hydrokinetic energy from western boundary currents, Annual Reviews of Marine Science, 9, 105-123.
Muglia, M., He, R., Lowcher, C., Bane, J., Taylor, P., and B. Edge, 2015. Observation and regional model based Gulf Stream marine hydrokinetic energy resource estimates for North Carolina. OCEANS 2015 – Genova, IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS-Genova.2015.7271441.
Lowcher, C., Bane, J., Muglia, M., He, R., and Y. Gong, 2014. Gulf Stream Power Characteristics Near Cape Hatteras: Regional Model vs. Direct Current Observations, oral presentation, American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Lowcher, C., Bane, J., Muglia, M., He, R., and Y. Gong, 2014. Gulf Stream MHK Power Characteristics off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, poster presentation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI.