Guided Tours of ECU Outer Banks Campus Start This Fall
You’ve likely seen our building standing alone in the marsh, but have you ever come inside? Now is your chance to explore the ECU Outer Banks Campus. Commencing October 11, tours of the ECU Outer Banks Campus, home to the Coastal Studies Institute, will be held...
First 2023 “Science on the Sound” Happening Jan. 19
The January 2023 installment of the “Science on the Sound” Lecture Series will be held at 6pm on January 19 at the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus. This monthly, in-person, lecture series brings perspectives from all over the state...
CSI Open House To Be Held June 4
Spend June 4th on Roanoke Island! Check out Dare Days in Manteo, grab some lunch in town, then come on over to the beautiful ECU Outer Banks Campus for the highly-anticipated revival of the Coastal Studies Institute’s annual Open House. After a two-year hiatus, CSI’s...
New Episode of Meet the Scientist Streams January 26
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a scientist? Or are you curious about what research takes place on the ECU Outer Banks Campus? If you answered “YES!” to either of these questions, you should tune in to our monthly, live-streamed video series Meet the...