Semester Experience at the Coast: A Stepping Stone for Future Coastal Careers
The arrival of Spring on the Outer Banks each year brings a complete transformation to the area. Local towns seemingly come to life after a dull gray winter of seclusion. Likewise, the Spring semester on the ECU Outer Banks Campus offers rejuvenation and new...
CoastLines Spring 2024 Available Now
We are proud to announce the Spring 2024 issue of the ECU Integrated Coastal Programs Newsletter, CoastLines. Stay up to date on the research, education, and outreach programs of ECU ICP and the Coastal Studies Institute. In This Issue Corbett’s Corner Student Section...
CoastLines Fall 2023 Available Now
We are proud to announce the Fall 2023 issue of the ECU Integrated Coastal Programs Newsletter, CoastLines. Stay up to date on the research, education, and outreach programs of ECU ICP and the Coastal Studies Institute. In This Issue Corbett’s Corner Student Section...
Guided Tours of ECU Outer Banks Campus Start This Fall
You’ve likely seen our building standing alone in the marsh, but have you ever come inside? Now is your chance to explore the ECU Outer Banks Campus. Commencing October 11, tours of the ECU Outer Banks Campus, home to the Coastal Studies Institute, will be held...