ECU Integrated Coastal Programs
The Coastal Studies Institute is one facet of ECU’s Integrated Coastal Programs (ICP). This college-level academic unit is the umbrella organization for coastal and marine sciences at ECU. ICP brings together scientists and researchers across ECU’s campuses and integrates the fields of engineering, health, maritime history, natural, and social sciences. ECU’s Integrated Coastal Programs are dedicated to transdisciplinary research, high-quality academic programs, and meaningful community engagement. The program uses an interdisciplinary approach and scientific advances to provide solution-oriented guidance, to those communities and economies dependent on the land-sea interface.
Our Mission
Integrated Coastal Programs is dedicated to helping foster and facilitate interdisciplinary scientific exploration, discovery, and education across coastal and marine systems in the engineering, health, natural, and social sciences, to help bring researchers and students together to focus on sustainable use and conservation of coastal resources and sources of vulnerability and to leverage the knowledge of ECU faculty to provide solution-oriented assistance to those communities and economies dependent on the land-sea interface.
Our Vision
An internationally recognized leader in transdisciplinary coastal and marine research, education, and engagement, using scientific advances to provide effective solutions to complex problems along the land-sea interface, helping coastal communities, ecosystems, and economies thrive.
ECU Integrated Coastal Programs is a college-level academic unit within East Carolina University that includes the Coastal Studies Institute, the ECU Department of Coastal Studies, and ECU Office of Diving and Water Safety.
Coastal Studies Institute
The ECU Outer Banks campus is home to the Coastal Studies Institute, a multi-institutional research and educational institute led by East Carolina University in partnership with North Carolina State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, and Elizabeth City State University. CSI focuses on integrated coastal research and education programming centered around the needs, issues, and concerns of coastal North Carolinians. CSI research expertise span a variety of coastal disciplines including coastal dynamics, ecology, biology, economics, environmental geography, social and behavioral sciences, and engineering. Engagement is core to the mission and CSI has a robust outreach program with staff that are actively engaged with coastal communities through meaningful education offerings for the general public, life-long learners, and K-12 students and teachers.

Department of Coastal Studies
In addition to the Coastal Studies Institute, ECU’s Integrated Coastal Programs includes the Department of Coastal Studies, an interdisciplinary department of scientific leaders with expertise across the natural and social sciences. Department of Coastal Studies faculty are committed to advancing coastal science and providing solutions to coastal communities through cutting edge research and engagement. The department offers academic educational opportunities for both undergraduate students through the Semester Experience at the Coast and graduate students engaged in the Integrated Coastal Sciences PhD program, a research-intensive doctoral degree program housed within the department.
The Integrated Coastal Sciences Ph.D. program is a research-intensive doctoral degree program at ECU that educates students to resolve complex problems facing coastal systems, using multidisciplinary solutions that integrate across both natural, health and social science disciplines.
The program provides a unique, integrated, multidisciplinary approach to coastal studies that emphasizes students obtaining expertise through coursework as well as hands-on research. Students receive state-of-the-art training in the acquisition, interpretation, and synthesis of scientific information on coastal environments and populations. Instructors and mentors foster the pursuit of individual interest in the context of a structured, but flexible, program of classroom instruction, field research, work experience, and a doctoral dissertation. Upon completion of their dissertation research, students will be well-poised to solve the wicked coastal problems of the future, with careers in government agencies, private firms, nonprofit organizations, and academic research and educational programs.

ECU Office of Diving and Water Safety
ECU’s Diving and Water Safety program provides on the water support for ECU and its partners. In addition, ECU Diving and Water safety staff provide rigorous scientific diver training to AAUS standards for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as ECU and CSI faculty and staff. The program manages a fleet of vessels available for research and education and provides dive support for ongoing research activities at ECU.