Join us for the February 2025 installment of the “Science on the Sound” Lecture Series at the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus. This monthly, in-person lecture series brings perspectives from all over the state and highlights coastal topics in northeastern North Carolina. This month, Dr. Jaclyn Cetiner (pictured below) from Hourglass Climate will present, “Preliminary Results from a Carbon Removal Field Trial in Duck, NC”.

The program, previously scheduled for February 20, will now occur at 6 PM on February 27, 2025, at the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus.
The ocean is our greatest resource for capturing hard-to-abate and historical carbon dioxide emissions – a non-negotiable part of limiting climate warming to 2°C. Hourglass Climate, a non-profit research organization, is executing the field monitoring program for a first-of-its-kind carbon removal project developed by Vesta, PBC and deployed off the coast of Duck, NC. In this talk, Dr. Cetiner will present an overview of the pilot project and preliminary results from the first six months of monitoring.
Dr. Jaclyn Cetiner is a chemical oceanographer with a research background in marine mineral dissolution relating to long-term climate regulation. With Hourglass Climate, Jaclyn is the senior scientist of the Duck field site and leads the monitoring efforts of the carbon removal pilot project.
The program is free and the public is encouraged to attend.