Science on the Sound
Science on the Sound
Science on the Sound is a lecture series hosted by the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus. The series highlights information, research projects and education programs on coastal topics and issues of concern for coastal communities. The series is held monthly September through May at the Coastal Studies Institute on the ECU Outer Banks Campus. Each lecture is also live-streamed to our YouTube channel where it is also recorded for later viewing. Past topics have included larval fish development, National Wildlife Refuges, beachcombing, coastal development, coastal landscaping and gardening, shipwrecks and maritime history, and climate impacts. All presentations are free, and the public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Spring 2025 Dates, Presentations, and Speakers
February 27: “Preliminary Results from a Carbon Removal Field Trial in Duck, NC” presented by Dr. Jaclyn Cetiner (Hourglass Climate).
March 20: “What do greentails have to do with green energy? An update on the Kitty Hawk offshore wind project served with a side of shrimp.” presented by Dr. Lela Schlenker (Fisheries Liaison, Kitty Hawk Wind).
April 17: Film screening of The Cigarette Surfboard at the Pioneer Theater in Manteo. Admission is free but pre-registration is required.
May: To Be Determined. Please check back soon.
June 19: “Finding Balance: The Outer Banks Long-Range Tourism Management Plan” presented by Lee Nettles and Jeff Schwartzenberg (Outer Banks Visitors Bureau).
See below for our latest Science on the Sound recording, as well as the link to our Channel’s Science on the Sound video playlist.